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FCAI Webinar: AI for Mental Health


AI for Mental Health

Thursday, 23 May 2024 at 9:30-11:30 in Zoom

Welcome to the forefront of intersection between AI and mental health, a compelling online journey designed to explore the innovative ways in which AI is being integrated into mental health research, diagnosis, and treatment. Hosted by FCAI and Helsinki Brain & Mind, this webinar brings together leading experts in applying AI for mental health and neuroscience, to share their latest research findings and discuss the potential that these advancements hold for the future of mental health and wellbeing.


Lauri Parkkonen (FCAI host), Professor, Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering, Aalto University, FCAI Neuroscience Special Interest Group and Helsinki Brain & Mind

Simo Levanto, Psychologist and Advisor, Mental Health and Work Ability at Ilmarinen, BSc in Computer Science

Johanna Kallio, Senior Scientist, Human-centric AI, VTT

Tiina Parviainen, Professor, Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Jyväskylä and Jyväskylä Brain & Mind Network

Hanna Renvall, Head of the HUS BioMag Laboratory, Assistant Professor, Aalto University, FCAI Neuroscience Special Interest Group and Helsinki Brain & Mind


9:30 - Opening words, Lauri Parkkonen


09:35 - The role of AI in Mental Health Promotion? Simo Levanto


09:55 - Behavior-based stress recognition in real-world context, Johanna Kallio


10:15 - DIGIMIND Project - Exploring the potential of psychophysiological recordings and AI for future mental health research and innovation, Tiina Parviainen


10:35 - Time-resolved tracking of neuronal activity combined with AI - Tools for predicting dementia risk, Hanna Renvall


10:55 - AI and normative modelling of brain activity for diagnostics of brain disorders, Lauri Parkkonen


11:15 - Wrap-up, All speakers

11:30 - End of the event

This webinar promises to be a deep dive into the cutting-edge research and applications of AI in mental health, offering valuable insights for professionals, researchers, and students alike. Join us in exploring the profound impact that AI can have on mental health promotion, diagnosis, and treatment.