AI Day 2023

November 8, 2023
Venue: Dipoli, Aalto University, Espoo

AI Day is the biggest annual event highlighting the leading AI research in Finland. The event brings together researchers, companies, students and the public sector involved in the fast-developing field of AI. AI Day promotes matchmaking, information sharing, and cross-border collaboration.

The AI Day program features an extensive scientific program including presentations, posters and demos. The call for presentations and posters is organized by the Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society (FAIS).

Photos from AI Day 2023 by Matti Ahlgren/Aalto University.

Save the date: AI Day will co-locate with Nordic AI Meet at the University of Helsinki on October 21-22, 2024.


Program overview

08:30 Registration opens, coffee
Opening of the event
09:15  Roundtable: Regulation and Governance of AI (Kaleva hall)
10:00 Coffee break
10:30 Scientific talks and Industry talks (parallel tracks in Kaleva, Palaver, Takka and Lumituuli halls)
11:30 Lunch (Capitolium and Sief halls)
12:30 Scientific talks and Industry talks (parallel tracks in Kaleva, Palaver, Takka and Lumituuli halls)
13:30 Poster session and coffee break (Capitolium and Sief halls)
14:45 Information session (limited capacity, interested collaborators only): Towards ELLIS Institute Finland (Klondyke - parallel with the poster session)
15:15 Panel: The Future of AI in the Post-GPT World (Kaleva hall)
16:15 Finnish AI Dissertation Award
16:45 Closing, drinks and networking
18:00 End of the event




Roundtable: Regulation and Governance of AI

INDUSTRY SESSION - lumituuli hall

Panel: The Future of AI in the Post-GPT World



AI Day is an annual event organized by the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI. AI Day 2023 is co-organized with the Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society and is supported by the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT.

Previous years