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NVAITC Webinar Series on AI Applications in Computational Sciences: Session 7 - AI meets QC

NVAITC Webinar Series on AI Applications in Computational Sciences

NVIDIA AI Technology Center Finland in collaboration with FCAI and CSC are pleased to announce a webinar series focusing on AI applications in computational sciences, with a goal of bringing together AI researchers and researchers in other fields. Each webinar will highlight a different scientific field and they are given by domain-specific experts who are using AI as part of their numerical simulation workflows. The webinars run from the beginning of March approximately every three weeks as part of the AI Across Fields Forum.

Session 7 - AI meets Quantum Computing

Dr. Enrico Prati
Thursday November 25, 16:00 Finland time
*** This talk will NOT be recorded - please attend the live session on Zoom***

Quantum artificial intelligence and practical quantum computing


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming influential throughout technological society, from transport to healthcare, civil engineering to personal electronics. But, what kind of intelligence does our AI possess?I review recent advancements of the application of deep learning to quantum computing and, conversely of quantum computing to extend classical algorithms to quantum machine learning on both gate model and adiabatic quantum computers.



Enrico Prati (1974) is senior scientist of Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie of the National Research Council of Italy in Milan. He works on quantum devices, quantum computers and applications of artificial intelligence to physics. From 2010 he has been Visiting Researcher and next Visiting Scholar of the Waseda University of Tokyo. In 2014 he has been Keynote Speaker of IEDM in San Francisco, TEDx speaker in 2016 and IOP Lecturer in London 2018. He is adjunct professor of the course Quantum Artificial Intelligence at the PhD School in Physics of Politecnico di Milano. He published >100 papers including Nature Nanotechnology, npj  Quantum Information and Nature Communication Physics.

AI meets QC
25 Nov. 2021 04:00 PM Helsinki
Zoom Meeting ID : 926 4283 3715

NVIDIA AI Technology Center (NVAITC) is a joint research center of the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI, NVIDIA, and the Finnish IT Centre for Science CSC. NVAITC accelerates research, education and adoption of artificial intelligence in Finland.