ELLIS Distinguished Lectures
Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI and ELLIS Unit Helsinki have launched a series of talks to showcase cutting-edge artificial intelligence research and give students a chance to meet and learn from some of the top scientists in the field. The talks are open for everyone. Aalto University students can also earn credits by attending the seminar series.
Upcoming lectures
New lectures are announced here. See also FCAI’s event calendar and social media to learn about upcoming lectures.
Past lectures
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Click the title to see details
Study credits at Aalto University
ELLIS Distinguished Lectures are free and open for everyone to attend. Students at Aalto University can also receive one study credit by attending the lectures and completing related assignments. Read more about the requirements and practicalities on how to receive study credits from MyCourses portal.
Further information
LEarn about ELLIS
other ELLIS news
This year has seen the launch of important national and international initiatives such as the doctoral program in AI and ELLIS Institute Finland.
The FCAI community gathered to share recent work and celebrate NeurIPS submissions.
Public and private sector investment are coming together to launch ELLIS Institute Finland.
200 members of the ELISE and ELLIS community met in Helsinki for the ELISE Wrap Up Conference and ELLIS Community Event.
AAAI workshop connected researchers to answer the question: How can humans and AI systems best work together to solve problems?
A national consortium across 10 universities will educate 100 new PhDs in artificial intelligence research.
Antti Koskela’s research uses math and computer science to guarantee privacy when training and using artificial intelligence models.
FCAI wants to attract the best talent to Europe and Finland to bolster artificial intelligence competency.
The Technology Industries of Finland donation supports the common goal of gaining institute status for Finland in the ELLIS network.