ELLIS Distinguished Lectures

Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI and ELLIS Unit Helsinki have launched a series of talks to showcase cutting-edge artificial intelligence research and give students a chance to meet and learn from some of the top scientists in the field. The talks are open for everyone. Aalto University students can also earn credits by attending the seminar series.


Upcoming lectures

New lectures are announced here. See also FCAI’s event calendar and social media to learn about upcoming lectures.

Study credits at Aalto University

ELLIS Distinguished Lectures are free and open for everyone to attend. Students at Aalto University can also receive one study credit by attending the lectures and completing related assignments. Read more about the requirements and practicalities on how to receive study credits from MyCourses portal.


Further information

LEarn about ELLIS

ELLIS Network

ELLIS forms a pan-European AI network of excellence focusing on fundamental science, technical innovation and societal impact.

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ELLIS Unit Helsinki

Finland contributes to the ELLIS network through our local unit, hosted by the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI.

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ELLIS Institute in Finland

We aim to grow ELLIS Unit Helsinki and establish an ELLIS Institute in Finland.

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