Save the date: AI Day 2025 will be on November 13 at Aalto University’s Dipoli.
AI Day 2024 + Nordic AI Meet

In brief:
360 Participants
78 Posters
27 Scientific Talks
6 Industry Talks
4 Keynotes
October 21–22, 2024
University of Helsinki Main Building (Aleksanterinkatu 5) (How to get there; note: there are multiple entrances to the Main Building, please use Aleksanterinkatu. Nearest exit at University of Helsinki metro station is F on Vuorikatu; nearest accessible entrance is A on Kaisaniemenkatu)
The largest gathering of AI researchers in the Nordics will be in October, when Finland’s eighth annual AI Day joins forces with Nordic AI Meet. The brightest young minds in machine learning and artificial intelligence will converge in Helsinki.
AI Day is the biggest annual event highlighting the leading AI research in Finland. The event brings together researchers, companies, students and the public sector involved in the fast-developing field of AI. AI Day promotes matchmaking, information sharing, and cross-border collaboration. This year, AI Day is co-located with Nordic AI Meet, with a joint program of scientific presentations, posters, socials and industry sessions.
The week of October 21 is an unofficial AI Week, with many other AI-related events in the Helsinki area: Contestations.AI (Oct. 23), AI Finland Gala (Oct. 23), Sujuva Suomi (Digital Agency) webinar (Oct. 24), FCAI AI and Quantum Computing SIG (Oct. 24), Finnish AI Region networking event (Oct. 25).
Photos from AI Day + Nordic AI Meet 2024 by Daolang Huang (Aalto University) and Kushtrim Visoka (NORA)
Please note that registration on-site must also be completed using the link below. Be ready to show the approved page from the registration form or the confirmation email at the registration desk. We cannot accept cash payments.
Student fee (until 29.9.): 100 €
Regular price (until 22.9.2024): 150 €
Late + on-site price (23.9.–22.10.2024): 300 €
Program overview
Sunday October 20, 17-20: Socializing event for PhD students, with sponsor pitches, at Molly Malone’s (Kaisaniemenkatu 1); separate registration for this has closed. Kindly sponsored by CSC and Silo AI.
Monday 21.10.
Keynotes and plenary sessions are in the Great Hall. Coffee breaks and lunches are in the adjacent foyers (next to the Great Hall). All other sessions are in the rooms listed in the links below.
8.30–9.00 Coffee
9.00–9.15 Opening
9.15–10.00 Keynote: Henry Tirri—Observations on AI by a Ghostrider (2024 edition)
10.00–10.30 Break
10.30–11.30 Scientific talks in parallel: track 1, track 2
11.30–12.30 Lunch
12.30–13.00 Finnish AI dissertation award (Chair: Ilkka Pölönen)
13.00–14.00 Scientific talks in parallel: track 1, track 2
14.00–14.45 Keynote: Qian Janice Wang—AI in smell and taste research: Challenges, opportunities, and the human element
14.45–16.15 Poster session and Coffee break (14.45-15.15)
16.15–17.00 Keynote: Robindra Prabhu—Beyond words - will transformers transform public services?
17.00–17.15 Wrap up of day 1
18.00–19.30 Helsinki City Reception at Helsinki City Hall, Pohjoisesplanadi 11-13
(note: Separate registration is required by October 14. An invitation email will be sent to those who have registered for AI Day + Nordic AI Meet.)
Tuesday 22.10.
8.45–9.15 Coffee
9.15–10.00 Keynote: Felix Stollenwerk—Open Source LLMs for Sweden, the Nordic countries and Europe
10.00–10.30 Break
10.30–11.30 Parallel tracks for scientific talks (PhD students) and industry talks
11.30–12.30 Lunch
12.30–13.00 Fireside chat with Peter Sarlin (Silo AI)
13.00–13.15 Break
13.15–14.15 Parallel tracks for scientific talks (PhD students) and industry talks
14.15–14.45 Coffee break
14.45–15.30 Panel discussion: Cultural diversity in the era of AI (Chair: Petri Myllymäki), with Qian Janice Wang, Felix Stollenwerk, Robindra Prabhu, Frédéric Pascal (DATAIA Institute) and Katja Mankinen (CSC)
15.30–15.45 Presentation of the AI Action Summit hosted by France on February 10-11, 2025: Constance Mickiewicz (French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs)
15.45–16.00 Closing ceremony
Program is subject to minor changes.
Keynotes and panelists
Call for scientific presentations
The call for scientific submissions in AI, machine learning, NLP, robotics and applications of AI is closed. There are two tracks for submissions: Doctoral Candidates/Doctoral Researchers, and Postdoctoral and Senior Researchers. PhD students and researchers from Nordic countries are encouraged to apply. Further information and submissions are on the EasyChair site.
Call for industry presentations
AI Day’s traditional Industry & Society session will be on Tuesday October 22. This is an excellent opportunity for recruitment, networking, societal impact and forming collaborations across industry and academia. We invite representatives from Nordic industry and public sector to submit presentation proposals that address the following topics:
Successful Industry-Academia Collaboration: Case Examples
Share your experiences and success stories of collaborative projects between industry and academic institutions. Highlight how these partnerships have led to impactful AI solutions, technology transfer, or joint research endeavors.
Research-Based Applications of AI within Industry
Present applications of novel AI techniques in real-world industrial settings. Whether it’s optimizing supply chains, enhancing customer experiences, or AI-assisted processes, we want to hear about your innovative research outcomes.
Relevant Topics for Both Industry and Academia
Beyond the specific cases, we encourage submissions on broader themes that resonate with both industry practitioners and academic researchers. These might include ethical considerations, solving regulatory challenges, workforce development, or emerging trends in AI.
There are six 20-minute presentation slots available. There is a moderate participation fee that all the participants, including the speakers of the event, are expected to pay at registration to cover the costs of the event. Submit your industry presentation proposal, including an abstract of no more than 300 words, through this link by May 31, 2024.
More information from FCAI’s Industry & Society program manager,
AI Day is an annual event organized by the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI. AI Day 2024 is co-organized with Nordic AI Meet and the Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society and is supported by the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT. The city of Helsinki is also supporting the event by offering a city reception and the University of Helsinki by providing the conference venue.