FCAI for industry and public sector
We invite companies and the public sector to get involved and work with FCAI. Investments in close research collaboration help companies stay up to date and benefit from newest innovations. Collaboration also brings companies brand visibility and access to top talent in academia. In a field where experts are hard to come by, the recruitment possibilities that follow are invaluable.
There are various ways to collaborate with FCAI. Typically, research collaboration starts with one joint project. Greatest benefits come from research that is fundamental, long-term and concerns strategically selected themes.
Below, you can find out more about our different collaboration and contribution options
FCAI ecosystem
Stay informed about current AI news in Finland as well as about upcoming AI related events and opportunities. Join the FCAI ecosystem by subscribing to our newsletter and follow us on LinkedIn.
Examples of our events:
AI Day brings top AI experts together once a year to discuss what is current in AI research in Finland. This is also an excellent opportunity to meet with potential new recruits.
FCAI Industry and Society events identify and work on themes based on the common needs of companies and researchers, with the goal to generate collaborative research projects.
AIX Forum addresses sector-specific AI challenges, applications and innovations.
Machine Learning Coffee Seminars weekly dive into a current research topic related to ML.
For more information, contact terhi.kajaste@aalto.fi.
Targeted scholarship grants
Ensure a steady flow of the right kind of talent. Grant a targeted scholarship e.g. to support thesis work.
A scholarship of 20 000 euros can make a huge difference for a talented young student and enable swift graduation and employment.
Note that targeted scholarship grants to universities are tax deductible for companies.
Contact: terhi.kajaste@aalto.fi and pekka.pellinen@helsinki.fi
Study project assignments
Meet future talents and participate in AI and data science study projects.
In study projects, students work on real-life cases in collaboration with companies. For participating organizations, the projects offer a way to connect with the experts of the future and get fresh ideas and new insights. Depending on the project, there may or may not be a fee attached.
Get acquainted with our yearly organized study project courses and follow the instructions on the webpages for how to get involved:
Master’s thesis assignments
Learn from students and professors. Offer master’s thesis assignments for students.
During the period of six months, you will have the possibility to get acquainted with a talented and well-educated student who uses the knowledge gained from his/her studies in resolving specific issues, e.g. in design, development, or research initiatives.
A designated academic supervisor at Aalto University or the University of Helsinki is responsible for ensuring that the project fulfils academic requirements. Different funding models exist:
Recruit a thesis student via Aalto Job Teaser or University of Helsinki Job Teaser.
Collaborate with a multidisciplinary Master's Thesis student team, see Aalto Thesis.
Inform your FCAI academic contacts about your interests to recruit a Master’s student.
Grant targeted scholarships through the Foundation for Aalto University Science and Technology.
Industrial researcher programs
Develop your personnel’s competences by participating in FCAI’s industrial researcher program.
FCAI offers industry-funded researcher training which includes researchers working in close collaboration with FCAI research groups. This program can be tailored for doctoral thesis workers, post-doctoral researchers and even for professors of practice.
For more information, contact terhi.kajaste@aalto.fi.
Consortium research
Joint research projects with FCAI and other companies and research partners offer many benefits:
Combining complementary competences leads to novel and useful results
Project partners can become business partners, or even a business ecosystem
Learning from other partners
Significant support from Business Finland or the EU enables ambitious R&D goals
A project portfolio or chain of joint research projects is a great tool for renewing the technological competences of a company.
Contact: heikki.ailisto@vtt.fi
Also stay tuned about our upcoming strategic research initiatives! We are currently building specific R&D project portfolios for promising areas of growth, e.g. battery materials and synthetic biology. The aim is to eventually engage several FCAI research groups and companies.
Contract research
Meet your research goals in contract research collaboration. Contract research can include a multidisciplinary team of AI and domain experts to solve your needs. You can also fund a post doctoral or PhD thesis researcher for solving a specific AI research problem.
Tight collaboration is often beneficial, as the results are more useful when researchers and company experts work together. Academic publications and conference presentations are an essential part of academic collaboration, and company experts are welcome as coauthors.
You can discuss collaboration possibilities with FCAI research groups directly, or ask support from the FCAI Industry and society collaboration support team.
Contract research project examples:
CapFor Online for Fingrid: taking power generation capacity forecasts to a whole new level
University collaboration brings a scope of new possibilities for Planmeca’s business
Contact: heikki.ailisto@vtt.fi, terhi.kajaste@aalto.fi and pekka.pellinen@helsinki.fi
Research lablets
Benefit from cutting-edge research by working side by side with FCAI researchers at our campus. Develop your personnel’s competences in a sustainable manner and establish a research lablet.
Machine learning-related research projects require close collaboration between AI researchers from universities and company experts both in the field of AI and in the firm-specific field of application. It is possible for company researchers to come and work together with FCAI researchers during a single project, or even longer-term. This is an excellent opportunity for a company employee also to work on a PhD thesis of his or her own.
Universities and VTT offer co-working spaces for very reasonable prices. You can also rent your own space from the campus area.
Contact: heikki.ailisto@vtt.fi, terhi.kajaste@aalto.fi and pekka.pellinen@helsinki.fi
Virtual laboratories
FCAI is developing the AI-assisted Virtual Laboratories concept, which is the basis of AI-assisted support for research carried out in laboratories combining automated physical measurements and computational simulations. We are building the foundations and the AI methods needed for this, focusing in particular on techniques that can be applied across multiple fields of science. The first pilot Virtual Laboratories are being established in 2022 in drug design, sustainable mobility and atmospheric science.
For more information, please contact
Terhi Kajaste
Manager, FCAI Industry and society collaboration
Aalto University
tel: +358 50 327 5299
email: terhi.kajaste@aalto.fi