FCAI Ethics Advisory Board: ethics matters

The FCAI Ethics Advisory Board (EAB) supports FCAI Research Programs, Highlights, and research projects in carrying out ethical discourse concerning differing concrete use contexts and related unique challenges and opportunities of AI. The EAB is available for individual research projects upon request, to help the projects reflect ethical, social, and legal questions. 

The EAB does not focus on research ethics, nor does it provide formal ethical reviews, for which existing panels and guidelines provided by public, private and civil organizations and expert groups can be consulted. 

We wish to help researchers strengthen the sensitivity of their antennae in ethics, so that ethical discourse and ethical understanding can evolve within FCAI as part of FCAI’s operational culture.


FCAI Ethics Exercise Tool

Ethics Exercise Tool supports FCAI researchers in identifying, explicating, and generally working with ethical, societal, and legal issues related to their research. The scope of the tool ranges from individual projects to entire research programs, and it is meant to be used iteratively during planning, executing, and communicating research.






Members of the FCAI Ethics Advisory Board:

Previous members


In addition, the FCAI Ethics Advisory Board is supported by Patrik Floréen, Secretary, Manager of national collaboration and external relations at FCAI, University Lecturer in Computer Science at University of Helsinki.