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Mine Dogucu: Updating Beliefs on Bayesian Education: Reflections on Research and Teaching Projects

Date and time: Monday June 10th, 14:15 at room T4 (CS building Aalto) and zoom

Speaker: Mine Dogucu, University of California Irvine

Title: Updating Beliefs on Bayesian Education: Reflections on Research and Teaching Projects

Abstract: Many researchers are unfamiliar with Bayesian methods. Despite the advances in Bayesian methods and innovations in computing that support the Bayesian landscape, the statistical training of researchers, instructors, and students has not kept up at the same pace. In this talk, I will share examples and data on Bayesian education projects and classrooms at K-16 level. I will discuss how the findings of these projects have shaped my set of updated beliefs on Bayesian education and what I believe needs to be done moving forward.

Bio: Mine Dogucu is an assistant professor at University of California Irvine. She is the lead PI on the NSF-funded project Advancing Bayesian Thinking in STEM, a co-PI on the NSF-funded SoCal Data Science project, and one of the PIs on the NIH funded project Irvine Summer Institute in Biostatistics and Undergraduate Data Science. She teaches a variety of statistics, computing, and data science classes at the undergraduate and graduate levels. She writes blog posts about data, pedagogy, and data pedagogy at