FCAI will organize its first FCAI Research Day on 20 March 2019 at 9–11 (T1, CS building, Konemiehentie 2, Aalto University). This will provide a good opportunity to learn more closely about FCAI research agenda and to discuss common research interests and ways to contribute to FCAI research programs.
Click each title to access respective slides. You can watch a recording of the first hour of the meeting here.
9.00–9.05 Opening, FCAI Administrative Manager Patrik Floréen
9.05–9.30 FCAI: What&How, FCAI Director Samuel Kaski
9.30–9.35 FCAI: Role of VTT, Research Professor Caj Södergård, VTT
9.35–10.00 FCAI Research Programs: 5 minutes pitch for each of the 5 initial Research Programs, Coordinating Professors
10.00–11.00 Discussion groups
R1 Agile Probabilistic AI, chair: A. Vehtari (room: Library lobby)
R2 Simulator-based Inference, chair: J.Corander (room: T4)
R3 Next-generation Data-efficient Deep Learning, chair: H. Valpola (room T2)
R4 Privacy-preserving and Secure AI, chair: A. Honkela (room: T5)
R5 Interactive AI, chair: A.Oulasvirta (room: T1)
All researchers from Aalto, UH and VTT interested in advancing the FCAI research agenda are welcome to join.
If you are interested in joining the FCAI Community, you can fill in the membership application here: https://fcai.fi/join-fcai-community