Teemu Roos: Ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence fa­cil­it­ates and in­creases ef­fi­ciency, but does not re­place hu­mans

Photo: Maarit Kytöharju / University of Helsinki

Photo: Maarit Kytöharju / University of Helsinki

In a little over 10 years, artificial intelligence has become an integral part of our world. To integrate the uncertainties and needs associated with real life with systems development, research on the topic is needed.

What are your research top­ics?

I investigate artificial intelligence, or how intelligence can be automated. That still does not mean replacing human intellect. AI solutions are aimed at making human labour easier and increasingly effective.

Where and how does the topic of your research have an im­pact? 

Today, artificial intelligence is applied in practically every field. It affects all of our lives – often without us noticing it. At the moment, the AI application that probably has the greatest impact on our lives is based on the recommender systems of the internet and social media. These systems select news and other content to be displayed on our screens, thus serving as a kind of gatekeeper that, at times, can even have a decisive effect on what content we end up consuming.

What is par­tic­u­larly in­spir­ing in your field right now?

Although artificial intelligence has been investigated for decades, practical applications based on it have become significant only in the past decade or so. What I find particularly interesting is how the uncertainty and ambiguity of real life can be taken into consideration in the development of AI systems.

Teemu Roos is the professor of computer science at the University of Helsinki Faculty of Science and the Leader of FCAI Education.

Originally published on helsinki.fi