The Nordic Probabilistic AI Summer school teaches state-of-the-art probabilistic machine learning

The third edition of the Nordic Probabilistic AI Summer school brings together a diverse and international group of machine learning enthusiasts to explore the various topics within probabilistic machine learning. 

The AI Summer school was established in 2019 in Trondheim, Norway. This year the Nordic Probabilistic AI Summer School (ProbAI) will be hosted in Helsinki, June 2022, as a collaboration of FCAI, University of Helsinki, Norwegian Open AI Lab, and Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

The summer school is organized by the local chairs and FCAI professors, Assistant Professor Luigi Acerbi and Associate Professor Arto Klami from the University of Helsinki, with the support of the ProbAI team of directors and numerous volunteers. 

ProbAl offers lectures by world-renowned invited speakers from FCAI and international institutions, and hands-on tutorials to foster learning on the latest advances in probabilistic machine learning. The curriculum covers topics related to several FCAI research programmes such as probabilistic models and probabilistic programming, simulator-based inference, deep generative models and normalizing flows, variational methods and many more. 

“We are excited about hosting ProbAI in Helsinki with a fantastic array of lecturers”, says Acerbi.

“Probabilistic methods provide a framework for building the data-efficient, explainable, verifiable, and reliable machine learning systems we need to maximize the positive impact of AI. It’s an honor for us to be able to teach and inspire the next generation of probabilistic AI developers and users in both academia and industry.”

The target audience of ProbAI includes students, researchers, and enthusiasts from industry and the general public, who are encouraged to apply before the deadline of March 27th. The summer school will take place June 13th to 17th at the University of Helsinki Kumpula campus. 

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