"The huge potential of AI opened up to me in a very concrete way.”

Photo: Aalto EE

Photo: Aalto EE


Ville Halkola, Program Quality Manager at Suunto:

“When I started working at Suunto, I wanted to enhance my competence in artificial intelligence. I was interested in the Diploma in Artificial Intelligence program, but just understanding the AI field was not enough for me, I also wanted to learn how to apply the things I learned in practice.

I didn’t have background in coding, but Aalto PRO offered a tailor-made coaching package to meet my needs. I participated in two programs, Python and Artificial Intelligence, the Basics of Coding, and Diploma in Artificial Intelligence. Participating in both alongside work was challenging, but doable – and the outcome was highly rewarding. Despite my limited programming skills, I was able to advance along with the others. I noticed that coding is creative work, which is a rather rare treat these days.


“I realized just how large the world of analytical tools is. AI brings a massive amount of new approaches alongside traditional statistical methods”


The Diploma in Artificial Intelligence program offered a broad perspective to business opportunities brought forth by AI – and it also offered the practical approach that I was looking for. I realized just how large the world of analytical tools is. AI brings a massive amount of new approaches alongside traditional statistical methods – things we can analyze, translate into data and bring to decision-making tables.

I built an AI program that reads Suunto’s customer feedback for chosen products. AI enables data mining in a way that’s impossible with traditional statistic methods. Reading thousands of feedbacks and creating a summary would be highly time consuming, but the AI software I built can create a general summary in about an hour.

The two programs were an excellent match. Python and artificial intelligence gave a great foundation for Diploma in Artificial Intelligence. I was very pleased with the outcome. At work, I’ve started implementing lessons I learned straight away.

If you already have good basic knowledge, Diploma in Artificial Intelligence will provide you with an excellent, in-depth overview of the current state and future possibilities of AI – and if your basic skills need a boost before this, Python and Artificial intelligence is an excellent stepping stone for obtaining software skills. I am living proof that it can be done, even at this career stage.”

Source: Aalto EE


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