Several Openings for Postdocs and PhD students in Machine Learning
Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI and ELLIS Unit Helsinki invite applications for research positions in machine learning. You will join one of the top AI research centers in the Nordics and in Europe, with an access to an excellent network of scientists and broad range of possibilities to work with companies.
ELLIS Doctoral Symposium organizing meeting. Photo: Arno Solin / Aalto University
We are looking for postdocs and PhD students to FCAI and ELLIS Unit Helsinki. Your research can be theoretical, applied, or both. The positions are in the following areas of research:
1) Reinforcement learning
2) Probabilistic methods
3) Simulation-based inference
4) Privacy-preserving machine learning
5) Collaborative AI and human modeling
6) Machine learning for science
You will join a community of machine learning researchers and will be part of a broader team of researchers studying similar topics, mentored by a group of several experienced professors.
Areas of research
1) Reinforcement learning
We develop reinforcement learning techniques to enable interaction across multiple agents including AIs and humans. We also work on manifold applications, ranging from drug design to autonomous traffic. Examples of recent research include:
Training and evaluation of deep policies using reinforcement learning and generative models (JMLR 2022)
Best-Response Bayesian Reinforcement Learning with Bayes-adaptive POMDPs for Centaurs (AAMAS 2022)
Precise atom manipulation through deep reinforcement learning (Nat. Comms. 2022)
We develop AI tools using probabilistic programming, with our main expertise in Bayesian machine learning. The research is disseminated as modular open-source software, including software for the most popular probabilistic programming framework Stan. Examples of recent research include:
Practical Hilbert space approximate Bayesian Gaussian processes for probabilistic programming (Statistics and Computing 2023)
Detecting and diagnosing prior and likelihood sensitivity (preprint) + priorsense package (software)
Better way to determine safe drug doses for children (Statistics in Medicine 2021)
3) Simulation-based inference
We develop simulation-based methods to learn generative models from the data. Main initiatives include: (1) ELFI, a leading software platform for likelihood-free inference of interpretable simulator-based models and (2) numerous leading GAN-based technologies. Examples of recent results:
Visualization of extensive datasets (Statistics and Computing 2023; Phil. Trans 2022)
Alias-Free Generative Adversarial Networks (NeurIPS 2021) + StyleGANs (software)
Causal discovery for the microbiome (Lancet Microbe 2022)
ABC of the future (International Statistical Review 2022)
4) PRIVACY-preserving Machine LEARNING
We develop theory and methods for privacy-preserving machine learning using differential privacy. We focus especially on high-utility differentially private deep learning and differentially private synthetic data. Examples of recent research include:
On the Efficacy of Differentially Private Few-shot Image Classification (pre-print)
Noise-Aware Statistical Inference with Differentially Private Synthetic Data (AISTATS/PMLR 2023)
Tight Differential Privacy for Discrete-Valued Mechanisms and for the Subsampled Gaussian Mechanism Using FFT (AISTATS/PMLR 2021)
5) Collaborative AI and human modeling
We develop probabilistic methods and inference techniques for reinforcement and machine learning in assistance settings with realistic and interactive user models. These systems treat and model human users as active agents to reason over and collaborate with, instead of passive sources of data. Examples of recent research include:
AI-assisted design with human-in-the-loop (AI Magazine 2023)
Amortized inference with user simulations (ACM CHI 2023)
Zero-shot assistance in sequential decision problems (AAAI 2023)
Adapting user interfaces with deep model-based reinforcement learning (ACM CHI 2021)
6) Machine learning for science
Machine learning is increasingly being used as a key element in research in different fields. Our interest lies in the general question of how machine learning could be used as part of the research process, essentially to improve the results and the scientific process itself. We seek solutions that work across multiple disciplines and applications. The work relates closely to our Virtual Laboratories initiative. Examples of recent initiatives include:
Virtual Laboratories: Transforming research with AI (perspective piece, preprint)
Modular pipeline for design assistance (software platform (WIP))
Engineering new enzymes with machine learning (research project)
Teaming up with The Alan Turing Institute to develop Virtual Laboratories (collaboration)
What we are looking for
You have previous experience in machine learning, statistics, artificial intelligence or a related field, preferably demonstrated by success in related studies (PhD student applicants) and/or publication record in the leading machine learning venues (e.g. AAAI, AISTATS, ICLR, ICML, JMLR, NeurIPS) (postdoc/research fellow applicants). Other merits demonstrating suitability for a researcher position can also be considered.
You hold (or expect to shortly receive) a Master’s degree (PhD student applicants) or a PhD (postdoc applicants) in computer science, statistics, electrical engineering, mathematics or a related field.
Experienced postdoc applicants can be considered for research fellow positions, typically having previously worked successfully as postdocs for several years.
The positions require the ability to work both independently and as part of a team in a highly collaborative and interdisciplinary environment.
Our offer
1) Research environment
FCAI’s research mission is to create new types of AI that are data-efficient, trustworthy, and understandable. We work towards this by developing machine learning principles and methods, and by building AI systems capable of helping their users make better decisions and design sustainable solutions across a range of tasks from health applications to materials science.
You will join a community of machine learning researchers who all make important contributions to our common agenda, providing each other new ideas, complementary methods, and attractive case studies. Your research can be theoretical, applied, or both. You will be part of a broader team of researchers studying similar topics, mentored by a group of several experienced professors. Our community is fully international, and the working language is English.
Our research environment provides you with a broad range of possibilities to work with companies and academic partners, and supports your growth as a researcher. FCAI, host of ELLIS Unit Helsinki, is a salient part of the pan-European ELLIS network, which further strengthens our collaboration with other leading machine learning researchers in Europe. In addition, our local and national computational services give our researchers access to excellent computing facilities, spearheaded by the EuroHPC LUMI, one of the the fastest and greenest supercomputers in the world.
2) Job details
The positions are based either at Aalto University or at the University of Helsinki, depending on the primary supervisor. All positions are fully funded, and the salaries are based on the Finnish universities’ pay scale. The contract includes occupational healthcare.
Postdoc positions are typically made for up to three years. Following the standard practice, the PhD student position contract will be made initially for two years, then extended to another two years after a successful mid-term progress review.
Starting dates are flexible. All positions are negotiated on an individual basis and may include e.g. a relocation bonus, an independent travel budget or research software engineering support.
We are strongly committed to offering everyone an inclusive and non-discriminating working environment. We warmly welcome qualified candidates from all backgrounds to apply and particularly encourage applications from women and other groups underrepresented in the field.
Who we are
Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI is an international research hub initiated by Aalto University, the University of Helsinki, and the Technical Research Centre of Finland VTT. We are part of ELLIS, the pan-European AI network of excellence, and we host ELLIS Unit Helsinki.
FCAI and ELLIS Unit Helsinki are built on a long track record of pioneering machine learning research. We create methods and tools for AI-assisted decision-making, design and modeling, and use them to renew industry and society. Currently, over 70 professors contribute to our research.
Our researchers have access to excellent computing facilities through local and national computational services, spearheaded by the EuroHPC supercomputer LUMI, the fastest supercomputer in Europe.
Our community organizes frequent seminars, e.g., ELLIS Distinguished Lectures, Machine Learning Coffee Seminar and Seminar on Advances in Probabilistic Machine Learning. We offer high-quality collaboration opportunities with other leading research networks and companies. For instance, FCAI has a joint research center with NVIDIA and Finnish IT Centre for Science CSC and collaborates closely with the Alan Turing Institute.
About Finland
Finland is a great place for living with or without family: it is a safe, politically stable, and well-organized Nordic society, where equality is highly valued and extensive social security supports people in all life situations.
Finland's free high-quality education system is also internationally renowned. Finland has been listed as the happiest country in the world for the fifth year running. Find more information about living in Finland here and here.
Finland’s universities are committed to promoting equality and inclusion and preventing discrimination, to ensure that all students and staff feel welcome at universities and that it is easy to come and study or work in Finland. Read the statement from Universities Finland.
Stories of people at FCAI
How to apply?
The deadline for applications is October 1, 2023. Please send your application through the recruitment system, link below.
Required attachments:
Cover letter (1–2 pages). Please specify the FCAI Teams and supervisors with whom you want to work.
List of publications (please do not attach full copies of publications)
A transcript of doctoral/MSc&BSc studies and the degree certificate of your latest degree. If you are applying for a postdoc position and don’t yet have a PhD degree or for a PhD student position and don’t have a Master's degree, a plan of completion must be submitted.
Contact details of two senior academics who can provide references. We will contact your referees if we need recommendation letters.
All materials should be submitted in English in a PDF format. Note: You can upload max. five files to the recruitment system, each max. 5MB.
Frequently asked questions
FCAI is a joint center of Aalto University, University of Helsinki and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. FCAI hosts ELLIS Unit Helsinki, a site in the pan-European AI network of excellence.
All the PhD, postdoc and research fellow positions are based either in Aalto University or in the University of Helsinki. The recruiting university depends on where he primary supervisor works. Both Aalto University and the University of Helsinki are located in the Helsinki metropolitan area. You can read more about the universities here and here.
In FCAI, we have over 70 professors who contribute to our joint research and can take part in the supervision. From this call, we intend to recruit new researchers to the FCAI Teams, so recruitments will be made to the groups of the PIs who are participating in the FCAI Teams work. Please see the Teams page to learn more.
Matching the candidates with the suitable supervisors will be done during the review process. We request that you include in your cover letter the teams and supervisors with whom you would like to work.
There are a couple of ways to join ELLIS:
1) You can apply to become an ELLIS member and/or supporter. Read more about becoming an ELLIS member here and about becoming an ELLIS supporter here.
2) If you fulfill the requirements for ELLIS postdocs / PhD students and you have two supervisors, one of whom is an ELLIS Fellow/Scholar and the other ELLIS Fellow/Scholar or Member, they can nominate you as an ELLIS PhD student / postdoc. Read more about the nomination process here.
All our positions are fully funded and the salary is based on the Finnish universities’ pay scale. The starting salary depends on the level of the position and the previous experience and is typically increased as the experience grows. The starting salary for a newly graduated postdoc starts from about 3900 EUR and for a PhD student from about 2600 EUR. All employees have access to the occupational health care services and are covered by the Finnish national health insurance system.
The starting date can be negotiated and depends on what suits you and the supervising professor the best. Generally, we hope you can start as early as possible.
Postdoc contracts are normally made for two or three years, depending on what best fits the postdoc and the topic they are working on. Experienced postdoc applicants can be considered for research fellow positions, typically having previously worked successfully as postdocs for several years. Research fellows can be hired for up to five years.
Following the standard practice of FCAI’s host universities, contracts of PhD students are made for “two plus two” years, meaning that after the first two years, there is a lightweight progress check. The contract will continue for another two years, if everything is proceeding well.
All PhD students recruited to FCAI need to fulfill the eligibility criteria of the university they will be based at (see question 1). The basic requirements include a Master's degree and an excellent command of Finnish, Swedish or English. Please check the eligibility requirements for doctoral studies before you apply for the FCAI PhD student position. Be prepared to present additional documents in case you will proceed to the recruitment and apply for doctoral study at Aalto University or the University of Helsinki.
More information about the eligibility requirements:
For the Aalto Doctoral Programme in Science (SCI)
For the Aalto Doctoral Programme in Electrical Engineering (ELEC)
For the University of Helsinki -
We will hire several candidates from this call to both PhD student and postdoc/research fellow positions. The exact number of positions depends on the number of suitable candidates and on how well the research interests of the candidates and the supervising professors match. Typically, we have hired about ten researchers from one recruitment call.
Candidates are assessed based on their academic merits (e.g. publications, study records, teaching), and other relevant experience, e.g. working in/with industry or software development. During the process candidates are also matched with an FCAI Team and PI they would work with.
The review process is as follows (minor changes to the schedule are possible):
1) Review against eligibility criteria - early October
2) Pre-review by postdocs/PhD students (min. 2 reviewers per application) - mid-October
3) Review by PIs and interviews of the shortlisted candidates - mid to late October
4) Review of the recruitment proposals by FCAI Steering group - early November
The review process will be finalized by November 10 and the offers sent after that.