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FCAI Industry & Society Virtual Workshop: Making the most of AI

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Link to attend the workshop together with instructions will be sent via email to all participants.

Welcome to our virtual workshop with FCAI researchers to discuss strategic long-term visions as well as to ideate concrete mutually interesting topics for joint projects. 

We are going to organize altogether four co-creation workshops this year. The workshops will be organized either virtually or face-to-face and there will be several tracks in each workshop. FCAI will select the topics for the tracks; however, there will always be a possibility to propose topics for the future workshops. There will be a transparent selection process, where couple of key criteria are to find common interests as well as to identify a champion to lead the thematic topic or project. 

In the workshop on March 25, AI & Health, Industrial & Autonomous AI, and AI & Language are the first co-creation tracks. The topics of the tracks are wide and multiple more focused topics can be worked on during the workshop. In addition to FCAI Research representatives, all the tracks will have a professional facilitator who will ensure that the workshops follow a systematic co-creation process with defined results and plan for next steps.


2:00 PM
Welcoming words
Tua Huomo, VTT and Samuel Kaski, Aalto University

2:15 PM
Lessons learned: How to succeed in joint projects and how to get them funded?
Outi Keski-Äijö, Business Finland
EU funding – current opportunities
Sami Heinäsmäki, Aalto University
Instruments for building impactful relationships between research and businesse
Petro Poutanen, Vaikuttavuussäätiö
Vake - The Finnish State Development Company - “new kid on the block”
Pia Erkinheimo, Vake

3:00 PM
Co-Creation Workshop

AI & Health track
Industrial & Autonomous AI track
AI & Language track

4:00 PM
Wrap-up and next steps

4:30 PM
End of the event

We will before the workshop send you some material and tasks to start the thinking process and prepare yourself for the workshop. Instructions for joining the virtual workshop will be sent well in advance before the workshop.
