FCAI Industry & Society Virtual Workshop: AI-based synthetic data for challenges in health and conscious machines
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Jussi Jokinen: Multitasking and Rational Hierarchical Control
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Erik Härkönen: Discovering Interpretable GAN Controls
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Jaakko Lehtinen: Self-supervised denoising using blind-spot convolutional networks
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POSTPONED – Workshop on natural language understanding and language grounding
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Jussi Kangasharju: Intelligent Container Overlays
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Pekka Marttinen: Deep learning for Electronic Health Records
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CANCELLED – BrAIn seminar 2: Examining the future of work on mind, brain, and AI from around Helsinki
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Kai Puolamäki: Robust methods for explaining classifiers and data
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FCAI Industry & Society Virtual Workshop: Making the most of AI
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Tapio Pahikkala: A Link between Coding Theory and Cross-Validation with Applications
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Roman Yangarber: AI approaches to support language learning - CANCELED
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Tomi Peltola: Interactive AI and Machine Teaching of Active Sequential Learners
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FCAI AIX - AIBA 2019 experiences and 2020 expectations
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Timo Koski: Algorithmization of Counterfactuals and a Probabilistic Theory of Causality
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Ville Kyrki: Meta Reinforcement Learning for Sim-to-real adaptation
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Tommi Mikkonen & Aleksi Kopponen: Intelligent service assistant for people in Finland
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Yildiz Cagatay: ODE2VAE - Deep generative second-order ODEs with Bayesian neural networks
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Kick-off workshop of the FCAI Highlight D: Intelligent Urban Environment
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Hanna Tuomisto: Environmental impacts of novel food production technologies
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Hong-Linh Truong: Quality of Analytics as an Approach for Optimizing ML Systems - Initial Results and Roadmap
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Chris Illingworth: A maximum likelihood approach for modelling viral evolution using genome sequence data
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