CoGenAI: Collaborative and Generative AI

ELLIS Summer School 2024

July 1 - 5, 2024

Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland


2024-05-16: The second round of applications is open today! The deadline is May 24th (AOE).

2024-04-29: The first round of approvals has been sent out to applicants by email. In case you have not received the email, please check your spam folder.

2024-04-08: Please note that the registration has CLOSED! Late applications will be added to the waiting list.

The ELLIS summer school on Collaborative and Generative AI (CoGenAI) will take place at Aalto University in Finland from July 1st to 5th 2024. 

This ELLIS Summer School is a training opportunity for graduate students and researchers interested in learning about generative models and human-AI Collaboration. This school will consist of three tutorial days - on human-in-the-loop machine learning, human modeling, and generative models - and a day of team-based hackathon projects. During this event participants will learn how (and why!) we should think about generative models in interactive human-AI systems. In addition to state-of-the-art AI methods, particular attention will be spent on how to consider the human component in these settings.


Important Dates

  • First-round application open: March 15th - April 7th

  • First-round Admission notification: April 29th

  • Second-round application open: May 16th - May 24th

  • Summer School: Mon July 1st through Fri July 5th


The summer school will be mainly hosted at Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland from July 1st to 5th. Details about the venue can be checked here.


The general schedule for the 5-day summer school is:

  • Monday: lecture, invited talks and workshop on Collaborative AI.

  • Tuesday: lecture, invited talks and workshop on Human Modeling.

  • Wednesday: lecture, invited talks and workshop on Generative AI.

  • Thursday: social day - enjoy summer and nature during our trip to the outdoors of Finland!

  • Friday: Team-based hackathon.

A brief schedule for the summer school is listed below in the calendar. A detailed schedule along with instructions can be found here.

Confirmed Speakers

Current confirmed speakers are listed below. Details regarding the speakers can be found here.

University College London

University of Exeter

Aalto University

Technical University of Darmstadt

Delft University of Technology | TNO

The University of Manchester

University of Turku

Aalto University | FCAI | The University of Manchester

Stanford University



This summer school is supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951847, known as ELISE - European Network of AI Excellence Centres.

Interested in sponsoring us? Please reach out to us at!

