AI Day 2022
November 16, 2022
Venue: Dipoli, Aalto University, Espoo
AI Day is the biggest annual event highlighting the leading AI research in Finland. The event brings together researchers, companies, students and the public sector involved in the fast-developing field of AI. AI Day promotes matchmaking, information sharing, and cross-border collaboration.
The AI Day program features keynotes and an extensive scientific program including presentations, posters and demos. The call for presentations and posters is organized by the Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society (FAIS).
Thank you to everyone for joining AI Day on-site and online! See you in 2023.

Program overview
08:30 Registration opens
09:15 Opening of the event
09:30 Scientific talks (two parallel tracks in Kaleva and Lumituuli halls)
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Scientific talks and Industry & society talks (two parallel tracks in Kaleva and Lumituuli halls )
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Scientific talks and Industry & society talks (two parallel tracks in Kaleva and Lumituuli halls)
14:30 Poster session and coffee break (Capitolium and Sief halls)
15:30 Panel: Solving global challenges with AI (Kaleva hall)
17:00 Drinks and networking
18:00 End of the event
Panel: Solving global challenges with AI
Panelist bios
Dr. Michael Bennett serves as EAI’s Director of Educational Programs and Business Lead for Responsible AI. In these capacities he is responsible for directing and overseeing EAI’s growing portfolio of formal academic and informal learning programs, and leading a team that implements and manages them. Dr. Bennett is also focused on domestic and international laws governing AI applications, as well as intellectual property laws.
Dr. Bennett has extensive experience in curriculum development, with a particular emphasis on innovation policy, art law, anticipatory governance and future scenarios, Afrofuturism, intellectual property law and policy, and science and technology policy. He is a regular keynote speaker across these domains.
He received his juris doctorate from Harvard Law School, his doctorate in Science and Technology Studies from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and undergraduate degrees in physics and mathematics from Florida A&M University.
Dr. Nicolaus Henke is a Senior Partner Emeritus of McKinsey & Company, where he led analytics and AI work in pharma, healthcare, industrial, and governments. He chaired QuantumBlack, McKinsey’s advanced analytics and AI firm, growing from small beginnings to global client service. Nicolaus also served on McKinsey’s Shareholder’s Council (its board), and before as global leader of McKinsey’s healthcare practice. He supports a handful of start-up and growth companies, mostly at the intersection of healthcare and technology. Nicolaus’s academic background is in economics and business operations research. He holds master’s and doctoral degrees from the University of Münster and was a John J. McCloy Scholar at Harvard University’s Kennedy School.
Pekka Marttinen is an associate professor in machine learning in the department of computer science at Aalto University, Finland. He received his PhD in Statistics at the University of Helsinki in 2008, and has been employed at Aalto since 2009, interleaved by periods as a visiting researcher at the Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics at Harvard and at the Sanger institute in Cambridge. He has received a Research Fellowship from the Academy of Finland. His research focuses on method development and modeling in machine learning, with emphasis on biomedical applications, and he has published 68 articles on these topics. He is best known for his work on scalable methods for detecting structure in massive genomic data sets and as well as for the development of Bayesian methodology for efficient and flexible modeling of complex and noisy data, including techniques such as likelihood-free inference and Bayesian neural networks.
Laura Ruotsalainen is an associate professor in computer science. She leads a research group in spatiotemporal data analysis for sustainability science (SDA) which performs research on machine learning using spatiotemporal data for the development of sustainable smart cities. She is a member of the steering group of the Finnish Center for AI (FCAI) and leads the FCAI Highlight area called Sustainable AI. She is also a professor of the Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS), which is a cross-faculty research unit in sustainability science within the University of Helsinki.
Pertti Saariluoma has presented his thesis on experts’ thinking in the University of Turku 1984. He has worked since in several research institutes among them Oxford, Carnegie-Mellon and Cambridge universities and IIASA. Since 2001 he been professor of cognitive science in the University of Jyväskylä.
Saariluoma’s main research interests have in investigating human technology interaction design processes. Recently, his most important contributions have been in the analyses of Hume’s guillotine and its meaning in AI design, cognitive mimetics, and human digital twins.
Fabrice Saffre is Research Professor for Collective AI at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. He was awarded his Ph.D. in theoretical biology by the Université libre de Bruxelles on the last year of the last century. Before moving to Finland in 2019, he was a Chief Researcher at British Telecommunications plc, where he spent almost two decades developing distributed intelligence methods for information and communication technology. Fabrice has authored dozens of peer-reviewed publications in the field of collective or swarm intelligence and related self-organising complex systems. He is also the lead inventor of over 30 patents and patent applications. Since joining VTT, he has been working on applying the same design philosophy, which he likes to refer to as “insect-grade AI”, to distributed robotics applications. Fabrice is currently involved in two projects funded by the Academy of Finland, both of which include the use of swarm intelligence for drones: Finnish UAV Ecosystem (FUAVE) and Unmanned aerial systems-based solutions for real-time management of wildfires (FireMan).
Industry and Society track
AI Day is an annual event organized by the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI. AI Day 2022 is co-organized with the Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society and is supported by the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT.