AI Day 2021
AI Day is the biggest annual event highlighting the frontrunner AI research in Finland. The event brings together researchers, companies, students and the public sector involved in the fast-developing field of AI. AI Day promotes matchmaking, information sharing, and cross-border collaboration.

This year, AI Day joins forces with AI Finland conference, organized by Business Finland and the City of Espoo. The theme of the joint day is Reboot with AI – Impact leadership and foresight with AI. You will learn about the latest news and the future of AI in business, research and public services – with top speeches, panel discussion, streams, showcases and networking, all in one day.
AI Day programs features keynotes, matchmaking opportunities and an extensive scientific program including presentations, posters and demos. The call for presentations and posters is organized by the Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society (FAIS).
Time: November 4, 8:30–19:00 (UTC +2:00)
Venue: Dipoli, Espoo / online
Thank you all for taking part in the AI Day 2021! The recordings of the streams will be available for all registered attendees on the virtual event platform on Monday November 8, the stream content and the virtual event platform will be available until November 18.
AI Day 2021: scientific program
The scientific program of AI Day 2021 is now published. The program features scientific talks and a virtual poster exhibition introducing the newest AI research in Finland.
See the full scientific program →
Scientific track 1: Onsite talks in Dipoli
09:40–09:45 Opening
09:45–11:00 Session 1: Natural Language Processing
11:15–12:15 Session 2: Machine Learning
13:00–14:00 Session 3: Constraint Optimization and Search
14:15–15:15 Session 4: Multidisciplinary Applications
15:30–16:30 Session 5: Machine Learning
16:45–18:00 Session 6: Human Aspects, Interactions and Applications
Scientific track 2: Online talks via Zoom
15:15–16:30 Session 7
16:45–18:00 Session 8
Scientific track 3: Posters
18:00–19:00 Onsite in Dipoli
18:00–19:00 Online via Zoom / Teams
Joint program with AI Finland
AI Day 2021 is organized jointly with AI Finland conference. Besides the scientific program of AI Day, the day features extensive joint program that you can see here.
AI Day is an annual event organized by the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI. AI Day 2021 is co-organized with the Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society and is supported by the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT.
AI Day 2021 is held jointly with AI Finland conference. The joint event Reboot with AI is brought to you by the City of Espoo, Business Finland, Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI and Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland.