EDS 2023 in Review | Home | Registration | Schedule | Speakers | Companies | Venue | Organisers | Travel | FAQ


The event is open to ELLIS PhDs and postdocs, as well as PhDs of ELLIS Fellows/Scholars/Members, but is limited to 150 participants. The organizers will prioritize active members of the ELLIS network, and students who are early in their PhDs. A small number of slots will be reserved for other EU ICT-48 projects’ students.

Participants are expected to present a poster or prepare a tooling session with a strong machine learning component. The topic of the poster or tooling session is completely open, as the ELLIS Programs bring together researchers from multiple disciplines within the Machine Learning community (Computer Vision, NLP, Theoretical ML, Reinforcement Learning, Human-Centric ML…). The posters should be A1/A0. If you don’t already know exactly what are you going to present, feel free to submit a tentative title.

Application Timeline

  • 31 March: First round of Applications open

  • 05 May: Applications close

  • 22 May: Notification about acceptance in first round

  • 05 June: Deadline for registration and payment for first round (registration link has been sent to all eligible applicants, check spam folder or ask us via eds2023@aalto.fi)

  • 02 June: Second round of applications opens (A few spots still remain)

  • 15 June: Second round of applications closes

  • 16 June: Notification about acceptance in second round

  • 04 August: Deadline for registration and payment for second round (registration link has been sent to all eligible applicants, check spam folder or ask us via eds2023@aalto.fi)

The Registration Fee

Your admission to the symposium is finalised only once you pay the registration fee. While your lab should be able to cover this cost, you will need to check with your supervisor. We will send you an invoice so that it can be reimbursed by your lab.

The details for paying the registration fee will be sent to you if your application is successful. The tentative costs for registering are:

  • Registration fee: 150€

Policy for cancellation

For cancellations, please contact the organizers via email at eds2023@aalto.fi. Cancellation must always be made in writing. If your registration is cancelled before 1.7.2023, the registration fee will be refunded in total. If registration is cancelled between 2.7-1.8.2023, 50% of the registration fee will be refunded. Later cancellations will not be refunded.

Visa Information & Invitation Letter

Citizens of some countries are required to apply for a visa to enter Finland. Please visit the visa information page for further information. An invitation letter can be requested by sending an email to eds2023@aalto.fi.